The Fermetary believes in preserving the old fashioned ways of growing and preparing foods for better health and taste!
Fermented, probiotic, foraged, organic, grass fed, free range, nourishing, preserved, craft, artisan, slow food, raw, real food, lacto-fermented, nutrient dense whole food, home made, non-GMO, natural fats, the gut’s role in supporting physical and mental health, gaps, gluten free, vegan, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, kimchi, vinegar, yogurt, beer, charcuteries, cheese, bread, kefir, kombucha, chocolate, black garlic....its all good!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Miso Making

Miso: Fermented Bean Paste used for making Miso, Sake, Rice Vinegar and Mirin

Soak, then boil your beans,  I used a Garbanzo/Navy mix


While your bean are cooling, melt your salt 1:1 salt to water


Grind up your 1/3 of your beans


*The grinder is also a great tool for making hummus


Combine the remainder of the beans, your salt mixture, and a sack of Koji 

 Salt your container


Smash down and get rid of any air pockets


Cover in salt!  It keeps the uninvited guest out!


Place rocks or a heavy plate on the cloth covered bean mixture, wait at least 6 months and up to 3 years for miso

***Koji (a Japanese term for cultred grain) is made by inoculating steamed grain with the spores of Aspergillus oryzae, a mold that transforms the grain into sweet, fragrant koji, or cultured grain, during a two-day fermentation process***

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